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AutoCAD Electrical

AutoCAD® Electrical wspomaga projektowanie elektrycznych systemów sterowania. Posiada zestaw zaawansowanych narzędzi do projektowania lub modyfikowania schematów obwodów elektrycznych. Współpraca z Autodesk Inventor umożliwia integracje schematów elektrycznych z modelem 3D urządzenia.

Zarządzanie danymi projektowymi
Ułatwienie współpracy
Redukacja błędów i niezgodności
Automatyzacja pracy

Obszerne biblioteki symboli elektrycznych
Automatyczne numerowanie przewodów i nadawanie etykiet komponentom
Automatyczne generowanie raportów
Kontrola błędów w czasie rzeczywistym
Adresowanie krzyżowe styk – cewka w czasie rzeczywistym
Inteligentne rysunki rozmieszczenia aparatury na panelach
Specjalne polecenia rysowania dla projektów elektrycznych
Automatyczne tworzenie rysunków PLC I/O z arkuszy kalkulacyjnych
Udostępnianie rysunków klientom i śledzenie zmian
Wielokrotne wykorzystywanie istniejących rysunków


Program Autodesk® AutoCAD Electrical jest niezależnym produktem lub częścią pakietu.

architecture engineering construction collection badgeproduct design manufacturing collection badge

AutoCAD Electrical 2017 AutoCAD Electrical 2017 AutoCAD 2017 Product Design Collection
Potężne narzędzia kreślarskie
Kompatybilność DWG
Automatyczne generowanie raportów
Publikowanie w formacie PDF
Organizacja plików i projektu
Elektryczne schematyczne biblioteki symboli
Sprawdzanie błędów w czasie rzeczywistym
Opracowanie oparte na standardach
Terminal Strip Export / Import
Kinowa jakość renderingu i animacji 3D
Przekonujące wizualizacje i prezentacje

Location View tab on Project Manager
Gain flexibility in the way you view your project. The Location View allows you to view all the devices in the project by installation and location in a tree view. An expanded panel on the Location View enables you view and export individual device and connection information.

Location View tab enhancements
Project Level Node in Location View Tab to view or export the entire project from the Details and Connections panels, link the AutoCAD Electrical component to the Inventor part with a click, and more.

AutoCAD 360 Pro
View, create, edit, and share DWG™ drawings on mobile devices.

Improved capabilities with wires
Apply drawing and project property for sort order to wire sequences as well as tag and wire number order. This setting provides default wire sequencing for wire networks with multiple components.

Microsoft SQL Server Support for catalog data
We now support SQL Server for your catalog data. Create an SQL Server instance, migrate the default Microsoft Access-based catalog and footprint databases; configure your SQL Server instance while installing AutoCAD Electrical 2017 or set up your SQL Server from the product, use Content Migration Utility for migration.

Interoperability with Autodesk Inventor
Seamlessly integrate the electrical design with the mechanical assembly, enabling real-time associativity, management, and cross-product updates, with electromechanical workflows between AutoCAD Electrical and Inventor. The 2 disciplines are synchronized for error-free integrated design, accurate routing, connectivity, and cable/wire lengths through a common user interface between products. 

Combined BOM report with Inventor
If your project is linked to an Inventor assembly (electromechanical project), you can generate a combined bill of material (BOM) report. An option to include the Inventor parts is now available when you generate either a schematic or panel BOM report.

Informacje dodatkowe
Pobierz broszurę (EN) Wymagania systemowe Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical
Wymagania systemowe Autodesk AutoCAD Electrical
System requirements for AutoCAD Electrical 2017
Operating System
  • Microsoft® Windows® 10
  • Microsoft Windows 8.1 with Update KB2919355
  • Microsoft Windows 7 SP1
CPU Type 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
Memory For 32-bit AutoCAD Electrical 2017:
  • 2 GB (3 GB recommended)
For 64-bit AutoCAD Electrical 2017:
  • 4 GB (8 GB recommended)
Display Resolution 1360×768 (1600×1050 or higher recommended) with True Color. 125% Desktop Scaling (120 DPI) or less recommended.
Display Card Windows display adapter capable of 1360×768 with True Color capabilities and DirectX® 9 ¹. DirectX 11 compliant card recommended.
Disk Space Installation 12.0 GB
Pointing Device MS-Mouse compliant
Digitizer WINTAB support
Media (DVD) Download and installation from DVD
Browser Windows Internet Explorer® 9.0 (or later)
.NET Framework .NET Framework Version 4.6
ToolClips Media Player Adobe Flash Player v10 or up
Network Deployment via Deployment Wizard. The license server and all workstations that will run applications dependent on network licensing must run TCP/IP protocol. Either Microsoft® or Novell TCP/IP protocol stacks are acceptable. Primary login on workstations may be Netware or Windows. In addition to operating systems supported for the application, the license server will run on the Windows Server® 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2008, Windows 2008 R2 Server editions. Citrix® XenApp™ 7.6, Citrix® XenDesktop™ 7.6.
¹ DirectX 9 recommended by supported OS.  
Additional Requirements for Large Datasets, Point Clouds, and 3D Modeling
Memory 8 GB RAM or greater
Disk Space 6 GB free hard disk available, not including installation requirements
Display Card 1600×1050 or greater True Color video display adapter; 128 MB VRAM or greater; Pixel Shader 3.0 or greater; Direct3D®-capable workstation class graphics card.
Note: 64-bit Operating Systems are recommended if you are working with Large Datasets, Point Clouds and 3D Modeling and required if you are using the Model Documentation feature of AutoCAD Electrical.

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