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As the only MagiCAD reseller in Poland, we are proud to offer MagiCAD overlays. These are very versatile and, at the same time, intuitive tools which enableand precise modelling of installations, as well as for making accurate calculations of construction installations. The main advantage of overlays is the access to an extensive library of elements of most European manufacturers along with their catalogue technical data. Thanks to the regularly updated database, the designer can be sure that his project is as up-to-date as possible, and that all the elements contained therein comply with the manufacturer’s offer.

MagiCAD Ventilation
MagiCAD Piping
MagiCAD Electrical
MagiCAD Sprinkler Designer
MagiCAD Supports & Hangers
MagiCAD System Designer
MagiCAD Circuit Designer
MagiCAD Comfort and Energy
MagiCAD Room

Over 1,000,000 BIM components from most European MEP manufacturers are available through the web browser embedded in the MagiCAD Cloud website.


By subscribing to the MagiCAD overlay, the user gets access to MagiCAD Cloud – the largest library of BIM components in Europe. In addition, it receives access to the current or previous versions of the software, the latest updates and improvements to the software at the time of their release, as well as to the latest versions of the overlay released at least twice a year. In addition, they gain access to subscriber-only newsletters and messages, instant community support on the forum, tutorials, and direct help from product support specialists.

MagiCAD Subscription is:

Access to the latest software versions

Technical support from industry specialists

MagiCloud - the largest BIM library in Europe

Informacje dodatkowe
Manufacturer's website SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS

System Requirements of MagiCAD 2019 for AutoCAD

Operating system Windows 10, 8.1, 8 i 7 Software type: AutoCAD, AutoCAD MEP, AutoCAD Architecture (32 or 64 bit) version 2015-2019 The system requirements for MagiCAD are the same as for the version of AutoCAD on which the overlay will be running. At least 1 GB of free disk space is required.  

System Requirements of MagiCAD 2019 for Revit

Operating system Windows 10, 8.1, 8 i 7 Software type: Revit or Revit MEP (32 or 64-bit) version 2017-2019 The system requirements for MagiCAD are the same as for the Revit version on which the overlay will be running. At least 1 GB of free disk space is required.

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