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Kiedy i gdzie:
June 14 2023 10:45 AM - 13:30 PM
0dn 0h 0min

Interested in the effective use of many tools in BIM technology?

This event is made especially for you!

Join the fourth edition of BIMuj z MAT and expand your knowledge of BIM (Building Information Modeling) and learn how to use the latest tools and technologies to optimize your projects.

In this edition, we will explore what’s new in Revit 2024 (architecture, constructions and installations). We will focus on the concept and analysis using Autodesk Form (former Spacemaker) and we will tell you how to create effective visualizations (Twin Motion, VR and 3D printing)

In addition, we will show how to streamline the design of MEP installations using the MagiCAD add-on and how to speed up your work with Dynamo for Revit.

We will also show how Autodesk Construction Cloud – Build module can support the construction process and increase the efficiency of the entire project.

In addition, we will introduce effective design of water and wastewater infrastructure in Innovyze and explore advanced techniques for designing road infrastructure in Civil 3D.

As every year, the issue of computer equipment suitable for everyday work cannot be missed. We’ll show you HP’s detailed tailor-made solutions for a variety of CAD industries to make designing faster and easier.

An event dedicated to CAD/BIM professionals looking for new perspectives and skills in design.

Participation is free. Only registration is required.
You can join the meeting from anywhere in the world – all you need is a device with Internet access.

Why is it worth taking part?

Many years of BIM implementation practitioners will share with you their knowledge on the following issues:

  • Revit 2024 news and what they give in everyday work
  • how to streamline building installation design in Revit MEP and MagiCAD
  • how to use the potential of Dynamo for Revit
  • how to use 3D printing in architecture
  • how to increase the efficiency of the entire construction project in the Build module – Autodesk Construction Cloud
  • how to efficiently design infrastructure in Civil 3D
  • how to design water and wastewater infrastructure using the new Innovyze program
  • how to choose the right workstation for the designer’s work
Agenda wydarzenia
10:45 - 13.30
10:45 - 11:00

Speaker: Tomasz Musialik from MAT

11:00 - 11:15

Dobierz stację roboczą HP do swoich potrzeb
Poznaj dobrane rozwiązanie sprzętowe dla projektantów, architektów, instalatorów i konstruktorów zapewniające wydajność
i potrzebne możliwości
Speaker: Dorota Olczak from HP

11:15 - 13:30
Room 1

Room 2
Construction and management of project implementation
Room 3
Building installations
Room 4

11:15 – 12:15    BIM – Analiza chłonności terenu oraz koncepcja architektoniczno- urbanistyczna
Wykorzystanie Autodesk Forma (dawny Formit oraz Spacemaker)
Speaker: Miłosław Piątek from MAT

12:15 – 12:30    Break

12:30 – 13:00    Nowości Revit 2024 – architektura
Speaker: Miłosław Piątek from MAT

13:00 – 13:30   Wizualizacja w architekturze: Twin Motion, VR oraz druk 3D w architekturze
Speaker: Miłosław Piątek from MAT

11:15 – 11:45    Nowości Revit 2024 – konstrukcje
Zbrojenie w modelu 3D – BIM
Speaker: Anna Kloc from MAT

11:45 – 12:00    Break

12:00 – 13:30    Zarządzenie procesem budowalnym w technologii BIM za pomocą platformy Autodesk Construction Cloud
Jak usprawnić proces budowlany, przepływy pieniężne oaz jakość wykonywanych prac
Speakers: Anna Kloc & Paweł Kula from MAT

11:15 – 12:15

  • Nowości Revit MEP 2024 i MagiCAD 2024
  • Usprawnienie projektowania instalacji MEP w programie Revit przy użyciu nakładki MagiCAD
    Speaker: Paweł Kula from MAT

12:15 – 12:30    Break

12:30 – 13:30    BIM z Dynamo for Revit – Automatyzacja i zaawansowane funkcje projektowe
Speaker: Paweł Jóźwik from MAT

11:15 – 12:15    Instrastruktura w BIM
Civil 3D & Infraworks – projektowanie infrastruktury (drogi, koleje, sieci, regulacje)
Speaker: Tomasz Musialik from MAT

12:15 – 12:30    Break

12:30 – 13:30    Innovyze – nowe narzędzia w rodzinie Autodesk
Projektowanie, analiza i zarządzanie sieciami kanalizacji deszczowej i sanitarnej, wodociągami

Speaker: Tomasz Musialik from MAT






  • Software

    • Industry collections
    • MagiCAD
    • Autodesk
    • Industry and office programs
    • Sales
  • Rozwiązania branżowe

    • BIM
    • Architektura i budownictwo
    • Mechanika i wytwarzanie
    • Infrastruktura i GIS
    • Obiekty przemysłowe
    • Międzybranżowe
  • Trainings

    • Industry-wide
    • Industry
    • Simulation
  • Services

    • Programming solutions
    • Repair of plotters and printers
    • Remote technical support
  • Newsletter

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    MAT Usługi Informatyczne
    Sp. z o. o.
    Street: Rzemieślnicza 1
    30-363 Kraków


    tel. 12 252 06 00