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SketchUP Pro

SketchUp is a simple 3D design program for beginners and advanced users alike. It allows you to design literally anything quickly and fun.

Smart sections:

  • Named sections – Section planes, like components, have names and symbols, making them easier to find, organise, or edit.
  • Filled cross-sections – New in the program. Ability to select a colour from the styles dialog and add to templates.
  • Faster Section Planes – This enhancement speeds up models that use section planes.

Better drawings:

  • Scaling: To add a line that isn’t in the model, create a scaled drawing in LayOut and sketch around the 3D model.
  • DWG Importer – Import DWG files into LayOut – now SketchUp projects can exist on par with CAD drawings and use all libraries with DWG files.
  • Better drawing – overlays, gouges, and curves are just some of the many elements available with LayOut for detailed drawings or illustrations made to scale.


  • Advanced Properties: In SketchUp, you can assign advanced properties such as price, size, URL, type, or status to components.
  • Summary reports – The ability to create reports summarising individual parts or quantities.
  • Import/Export IFC: With IFC, you can transfer assigned attributes and integrate them into your project.


  • 3D Warehouse is the largest collection of free 3D models that work with SketchUp. Elements such as furnishings, kitchen appliances, and surroundings are available with just a few clicks.
  • Collaborations with partners such as Herman Miller, Formica, and Thermador, among others, make it possible to find the actual object needed in a project. The oven found will have the correct geometry.
  • Mobility: After uploading your models to 3D Warehouse, you can easily download them to your phone or tablet using SketchUp Mobile Viewer and take them to work wherever you are.

With LayOut

  • You can place a SketchUp model view anywhere in your document. All projections update as the model changes.
  • Create 2D drawings with SketchUp functions such as alignment, shading, and dimensioning.
  • You can scale and rotate elements with the highest precision.
  • Set the format and scale with the dimensioning tools.

For more product information or current promotions – contact us!

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